Midwifery Porodnictví

17. 10. 2007 0:00
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Autor: Redakce
Milí studenti, vítáme vás na říjnové lekci našeho již tradičního kurzu Ošetřovatelství v angličtině. Tentokráte se budeme věnovat porodnictví.

Correct-verb-form exercise – Cvičení na správná slovesa

Directions: Choose the correct verb form in the paragraphs below. Find the right solution at the end of the lesson.

Pokyny: Vyberte správnou formu slovesa v závorce. Řřešení najdete na konci této lekce.

A midwife [help/helps/helping] childbirth by giving [support/supports/supported] to women during labor and delivery. They also [take/took/ taking] care of women and children directly after birth. Communication between the midwife and the pregnant woman is very important, because a midwife’s main goal is to [work/worked/working] with the woman to reduce the risk of complications during childbirth.

There are two types of midwives in the United States: direct entry midwives and nurse-midwives. A direct entry midwife (DEM) [enter/enters/ entering] the field of midwifery through an apprenticeship, training, or a field other than formal nursing education. They [have/has/ having] a commitment to women’s health care and experience-based training. Most often, DEMs provide care to women giving birth at home.

Nurse-midwives are registered nurses who have completed accredited midwifery programs. They can [write/wrote/written] prescriptions and provide a variety of care, [includes/included/including] gynecological exams. They collaborate with physicians, especially with problem pregnancies. When additional medical advice or surgical care is needed, they [refer/refers/referring] women to a physician.

Exercise with the possibility to win – Cvičení s možností výhry

Directions: Unscramble the letters to form a word from the vocabulary list, then match it to the correct definition. Send the right solution together with your address by e-mail to: info@g5plus.com. On November 20, 2007 we will publicly draw 10 winners who will be sent a vitamin package of the 500 CZK value by Walmark company!

Pokyny: Uspořádejte písmena do správného slova ze slovníčku a přiřaďte jej ke správné definici. Řešení zašlete s adresou e-mailem na: info@g5plus.com. 20. 11. 2007 veřejně vylosujeme 10 výherců, kteří od společnosti Walmark obdrží vitaminový balíček v hodnotě 500 Kč.

a) rcthhilibd b) npganceyr c) ainnft d) sccaonmioplit e) barlo f) vdeelryi

1. A child in the first stage of life. 2. The action or process of giving birth to offspring. 3. The physical activities involved in giving birth. 4. The condition of containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body. 5. The actual moment when a woman is about to give birth. 6. Difficult issues that appear unexpectedly and may change current plans.

Conversation– Konverzace

The following is a conversation between a patient and midwife nurse as the patient has just gone into labor.

Nurse: Has your water broken yet? Patient: Yes, about a half hour ago. N: Do you have any regular contractions? P: Yes, I’ve been feeling this tightness across my stomach. N: How often are your contractions? P: About every 10 minutes. N: Are they getting stronger or closer together? P: The contractions used to come every 20 minutes, so they are closer together and I do feel they are getting stronger. N: How long does a contraction last when it comes? P: About a minute each time. N: Are they very painful? P: Yes, they are, and now it’s coming again – ahhh! N: Okay, you’re doing very well and you are about to deliver the baby. Now listen to me and breath… And now push…

Answer the following questions – Odpovězte na následující otázky

1. When did the patient go into labor? 2. How often do the contractions come now? 3. What do the contractions feel like?

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