1. Appelmelk B. J., Negrini R.: Helicobacter pylori and gastric autoimmunity. Cur Opin Gastroent 13, 1997; Suppl 1: 31 - 34 |
2. Bamford J. T. M., Tilden R. L., Blankush J. L., Gangeness D. E.: Effect of treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection on Rosacea. Arch Dermatol et al. 135; 1999: 659 - 663 |
3. Bardhan P. K.: Epidemiologic features of Helicobacter pylori infection in developing countries. Clin Infect Dis 25; 1997: 973 - 978 |
4. Blaser M. J.: Helicobacter pylori and gastric diseases. Brit Med J 316; 1998: 1507 - 1510 |
5. Blaser M. J.: Hypothesis: the changing relationship of Helicobacter pylori and humans: implications for health and disease. J Infect Dis 179; 1999: 1523 - 1530 |
6. Broutet A., Gisbert J. P., Pajares J. M.: Epidemiology. Curr Opin Gastroent 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S43 - S47 |
7. Bureš J., Burešová E., Rejchrt S.: Imunologické aspekty infekce Helicobacter pylori. In: Trendy soudobé gastroenterologie. M. Lukáš, ed. Praha; Galén, 2000, v tisku |
8. Bureš J., Dítě P., Kopáčová M., Voříšek V., Axmann K., Černoch J., Doseděl J., Kotrlík J., Kment M., Lukáš K., Lukáš M., Mareš K., Palička V., Pozler O., Rejchrt S., Roubalík J., Sedláčková M., Shonová O., Stehlík J., Sýkora J., Široký M., Šopák S., Špičák J., Zavoral M., Živný P. and the Czech Helicobacter pylori Study Group: Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Czech Republic - preliminary data based on 13C-urea breath test in 389 symptom-free persons. Gut 45, 1999, Suppl 5: A106 |
9. Calam J.: Clinicians’ Guide to Helicobacter pylori. London: Chapman & Hall Medical, 1996 |
10. Corrado G., Luzzi I., Lucarelli S., Frediani T., Pacchiarotti C., Cavaliere M., Rea P., Cardi E.: Positive association between Helicobacter pylori infection and food allergy in children. Scand J Gastroenterol 33; 1998: 1135 - 1139 |
11. Dítě P., Hep A., Dolina J., Ševčíková A., Novotný I., Štroblová H., Kunovská M., Münzová H., Pokorný A.: Prevalence infekce Helicobacter pylori v ČR - region jižní Morava. Vnitř Lék 44; 1998: 132 - 134 |
12. Dunn B. E., Cohen H., Blaser M. J.: Helicobacter pylori. Clin Microbiol Rev 10; 1997: 720 - 741 |
13. Engstrand L., de Korwin J. D.: Immunological aspects. Curr Opin Gastroent 12; 1996, Suppl 1: 21 - 23 |
14. Figura N., Giordano N., Burroni D., Macchia G., Vindigni G., Gennari C.: Sjögren’s syndrome and Helicobacter pylori. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 6; 1994: 321 - 322 |
15. Figura N., Perrone A., Gennari C., Orlandini G., Bianciardi L., Giannace R., Vaira D., Vagliasinti M., Rottoli P.: Food allergy and Helicobacter pylori infection. Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol 31; 1999: 186 - 191 |
16. Fixa B., Komárková O., Melichar B., Krejsek J., Mégraud F.: Výskyt infekce Helicobacter pylori u české dospělé populace. Čes Slov Gastroent 49; 1995: 83 - 85 |
17. Gasbarrini A., De Luca A., Fiore G., Gambrielli M., Franceschi F., Ojetti V., Torre E. S., Gasbarrini G., Pola P., Giacovazzo M.: Beneficial effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication on migraine. Hepato-Gastroenterology 45; 1998: 765 - 770 |
18. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Armuzzi A., Ojetti V., Candelli M., Torre E. S., deLorenzo A., Anti M., Pretolani S., Gasbarrini G.: Extradigestive manifestations of Helicobacter pylori gastric infection. Gut 45; 1999, Suppl 1: I9 - I12 |
19. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Boixeda de Miquel D., Martin-de-Argila C., Gasbarrini G.: Role of Helicobacter pylori in extradigestive diseases. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S29 - S33 |
20. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Tartaglione R., Landolfi R., Pola P., Gasbarrini G.: Regression of autoimmune thrombocytopenia after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Lancet 352; 1998: 878 |
21. Gasbarrini A., Massari I., Serricchio M., Tondi P., de Luca A., Franceschi F., Ojetti V., dal Lago A., Flore R., Santoliquido A., Gasbarrini G., Pola P.: Helicobacter pylori eradication ameliorates primary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Dig Dis Sci 43; 1998: 1641 - 1645 |
22. Gasbarrini A., Ponzetto A., Franceschi F., Pellicano R., Gasbarrini G.: Helicobacter pylori infection and extradigestive diseases. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 14; 1998, Suppl 1: S65 - S69 |
23. Giordano N., Figura N., Senesi M., Battisti E., Palumbo F., Nardi P., Gennari C.: Helicobacter pylori infection and primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a possible association and new therapeutic approach. Cur Ther Res 56; 1995: 1265 - 1269 |
24. Jurgoš Ľ., Bureš J.: Nemoci žalúdku, dvanáctníku a Helicobacter pylori. Martin: Osveta, 1998; 148 |
25. Helicobacter pylori. An Atlas.: Malfertheiner P., Michetti P., Price A., eds. London: Science Press, 1996 |
26. Helicobacter pylori: Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Cure. RH Hunt, GNJ Tytgat, eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad Publ, 1994 |
27. Chiba S., Sugiyama T., Matsumoto H., Hisano K., Awakawa T., Hiura K., Saitoh M., Imai K.: Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid obtained from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Neurol 44; 1998: 686 - 688 |
28. Kimura A., Matsubasa T., Kinoshita H., Kuriya A., Yamashita Y., Fujisawa T., Terakura H., Shinohara M.: Helicobacter pylori positivity in patients with severe neurologic impairment. Brain Develop 21; 1999: 113 - 117 |
29. Kirchner T., Faller G., Price A.: Pathology and autoimmunity. Curr Opin Gastroent 14; 1998, Suppl 1: S35 - S39 |
30. Machet L., Vaillant L., Machet M. C., Buchler M., Lorette G.: Schonlein-Henoch purpura associated with gastric Helicobacter pylori infection. Dermatology 194; 1997: 86 |
31. Mégraud F.: Epidemiology and mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology 115; 1998: 1278 - 1282 |
32. Oldenburg B., Diepersloot R. J. A., Hoekstra J. B. L.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in diabetes mellitus patients. Dig Dis Sci 41; 1996: |
458 - 461 |
33. Patel P., Gasbarrini G., Pretolani S., Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F.: Extradigestive diseases and Helicobacter pylori infection. Cur Opin Gastroent 13; 1997, Suppl 1: 52 - 55 |
34. Pattison C. P., Marshall B. J.: Proposed link between Helicobacter pylori and sudden infant death syndrome. Med Hypotheses 49; 1997: 365 - 369 |
35. Rejchrt S., Bureš J.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori a extraintestinální choroby. Čes Slov Gastroent, v tisku |
36. Robertson M. S., Cade J. F., Clancy R. L.: Helicobacter pylori infection in intensive care: increased prevalence and a new nosocomial infection. Crit Care Med 27; 1999. 1276 - 1280 |
37. Rokkas T., Wotherspoon A.: Carcinogenesis. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S23 - S28 |
38. Rudnicka W., Andersen L. P.: Inflammation and host response. Curr Opin Gastroent 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S17 - S21 |
39. Sedláčková M. et al.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori. Vředová choroba, karcinom žaludku, dyspepsie. Praha: Maxdorf Jesenius, 1996 |
40. Sedláčková M.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori. In: Trendy soudobé pediatrie. Svazek 1. Gastroenterologie. Pozler O., ed. Praha: Galén, 1999, 217 - 237 |
41. Simanowski U. A., Egerer G., Oneta C., Keil T., Parés X., Conradt C., Arce L., Waldherr R., Stickel F., Russell R. M., Aderjan R., Klee F., Seitz H. K.: Helicobacter pylori infection decreases gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity and first-pass metabolism of ethanol in man. Digestion 59; 1998: 314 - 320 |
42. Siringo S., Vaira D., Menegatti M., Piscaglia F., Sofia S., Gaetani M.: High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in liver cirrhosis. Relationship with clinical and endoscopic features and the risk of peptic ulcer. Dig Dis Sci 42; 1997: 2024 - 2030 |
43. Suerbaum S., Hur C., Josenhans C., Michetti P.: Pathogenesis and virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999: Suppl 1: S11 - S16 |
44. Tebbe B., Geilen C. C., Schulzke J. D., Bojarski C., Radenhausen M., Orfanos C. E.: Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic urticaria. J Amer Acad Dermatol 34; 1996: 685 - 686 |
45. Telford J. L., Covacci A., Rappuoli R., Ghiara P.: Immunology of Helicobacter pylori infection. Cur Opin Immunol 9; 1997: 498 - 503 |
46. Tsang K. W., Lam S. K., Lam W. K., Karlberg J., Wong B. C., Hu W. H., Yew W. W., Ip M. S.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in active bronchiectasis. Amer J Respir Crit Care Med 158; 1998: 1047 - 1051 |
47. Valsecchi R., Pigatto P.: Chronic urticaria and Helicobacter pylori. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 78; 1998: 440 - 442 |
48. Wedi B., Wagner S., Werfel T., Mann S., Kapp A.: Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis in chronic urticaria. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 116; 1998: |
49. Whincup P. H., Mendall M. A., Perry I. J., Strachan D. P., Walker M.: Prospective relations between Helicobacter pylori infection, coronary heart disease and stroke in middle age men. Heart 75; 1996: 568 - 572 |
50. Yazawa A., Fujimoto M., Kikuchi K., Kubo M., Ihn H., Sato S., Tamaki T., Tamaki K.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with systemic sclerosis: association with esophageal involvement. J Rheumatol 25; 1998: 650 - 653 |
51. Zentilin P., Savarino V., Garnero A., Accardo S., Seriolo B.: Is Helic- |
bacter pylori infection a risk factor for disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis ? Gastroenterology 116; 1999: 503 - 504 |
52. Živný P., Černý V., Bureš J., Palička V., Konštacký M.: Helicobacter pylori infection and cytokine pattern in critically ill patients. Digestion 59; 1998, Suppl 3: 440 |
53. Živný P., Černý V., Bureš J., Živná H., Palička V., Plíšková L.: Význam chronické infekce Helicobacter pylori u kriticky nemocných. Klin Biochem Metab 7(28); 1999: 31 - 34 |
54. Živný P., Černý V., Živná H., Bureš J., Palička V.: Vliv chronické infekce Helicobacter pylori na dynamiku C-reaktivního proteinu u kriticky nemocných. Čes Slov Gastroent 52; 1998: A42 - A43 |
55. Živný P., Černý V., Živná H., Palička V., Bureš J.: Is chronic Helicobacter pylori infection a risk factor for critically ill patients on total parenteral nutrition. Nutrition 14; 1998: 96 |
56. Živný P., Konštacký M., Bureš J., Černý V., Živná H., Palička V.: Is chronic Helicobacter pylori infection risk factor for critical care patients fed by parenteral nutrition? Gastroenterology International 11; 1998: 135 |
1. Appelmelk B. J., Negrini R.: Helicobacter pylori and gastric autoimmunity. Cur Opin Gastroent 13, 1997; Suppl 1: 31 - 34 |
2. Bamford J. T. M., Tilden R. L., Blankush J. L., Gangeness D. E.: Effect of treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection on Rosacea. Arch Dermatol et al. 135; 1999: 659 - 663 |
3. Bardhan P. K.: Epidemiologic features of Helicobacter pylori infection in developing countries. Clin Infect Dis 25; 1997: 973 - 978 |
4. Blaser M. J.: Helicobacter pylori and gastric diseases. Brit Med J 316; 1998: 1507 - 1510 |
5. Blaser M. J.: Hypothesis: the changing relationship of Helicobacter pylori and humans: implications for health and disease. J Infect Dis 179; 1999: 1523 - 1530 |
6. Broutet A., Gisbert J. P., Pajares J. M.: Epidemiology. Curr Opin Gastroent 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S43 - S47 |
7. Bureš J., Burešová E., Rejchrt S.: Imunologické aspekty infekce Helicobacter pylori. In: Trendy soudobé gastroenterologie. M. Lukáš, ed. Praha; Galén, 2000, v tisku |
8. Bureš J., Dítě P., Kopáčová M., Voříšek V., Axmann K., Černoch J., Doseděl J., Kotrlík J., Kment M., Lukáš K., Lukáš M., Mareš K., Palička V., Pozler O., Rejchrt S., Roubalík J., Sedláčková M., Shonová O., Stehlík J., Sýkora J., Široký M., Šopák S., Špičák J., Zavoral M., Živný P. and the Czech Helicobacter pylori Study Group: Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Czech Republic - preliminary data based on 13C-urea breath test in 389 symptom-free persons. Gut 45, 1999, Suppl 5: A106 |
9. Calam J.: Clinicians’ Guide to Helicobacter pylori. London: Chapman & Hall Medical, 1996 |
10. Corrado G., Luzzi I., Lucarelli S., Frediani T., Pacchiarotti C., Cavaliere M., Rea P., Cardi E.: Positive association between Helicobacter pylori infection and food allergy in children. Scand J Gastroenterol 33; 1998: 1135 - 1139 |
11. Dítě P., Hep A., Dolina J., Ševčíková A., Novotný I., Štroblová H., Kunovská M., Münzová H., Pokorný A.: Prevalence infekce Helicobacter pylori v ČR - region jižní Morava. Vnitř Lék 44; 1998: 132 - 134 |
12. Dunn B. E., Cohen H., Blaser M. J.: Helicobacter pylori. Clin Microbiol Rev 10; 1997: 720 - 741 |
13. Engstrand L., de Korwin J. D.: Immunological aspects. Curr Opin Gastroent 12; 1996, Suppl 1: 21 - 23 |
14. Figura N., Giordano N., Burroni D., Macchia G., Vindigni G., Gennari C.: Sjögren’s syndrome and Helicobacter pylori. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 6; 1994: 321 - 322 |
15. Figura N., Perrone A., Gennari C., Orlandini G., Bianciardi L., Giannace R., Vaira D., Vagliasinti M., Rottoli P.: Food allergy and Helicobacter pylori infection. Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol 31; 1999: 186 - 191 |
16. Fixa B., Komárková O., Melichar B., Krejsek J., Mégraud F.: Výskyt infekce Helicobacter pylori u české dospělé populace. Čes Slov Gastroent 49; 1995: 83 - 85 |
17. Gasbarrini A., De Luca A., Fiore G., Gambrielli M., Franceschi F., Ojetti V., Torre E. S., Gasbarrini G., Pola P., Giacovazzo M.: Beneficial effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication on migraine. Hepato-Gastroenterology 45; 1998: 765 - 770 |
18. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Armuzzi A., Ojetti V., Candelli M., Torre E. S., deLorenzo A., Anti M., Pretolani S., Gasbarrini G.: Extradigestive manifestations of Helicobacter pylori gastric infection. Gut 45; 1999, Suppl 1: I9 - I12 |
19. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Boixeda de Miquel D., Martin-de-Argila C., Gasbarrini G.: Role of Helicobacter pylori in extradigestive diseases. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S29 - S33 |
20. Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F., Tartaglione R., Landolfi R., Pola P., Gasbarrini G.: Regression of autoimmune thrombocytopenia after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Lancet 352; 1998: 878 |
21. Gasbarrini A., Massari I., Serricchio M., Tondi P., de Luca A., Franceschi F., Ojetti V., dal Lago A., Flore R., Santoliquido A., Gasbarrini G., Pola P.: Helicobacter pylori eradication ameliorates primary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Dig Dis Sci 43; 1998: 1641 - 1645 |
22. Gasbarrini A., Ponzetto A., Franceschi F., Pellicano R., Gasbarrini G.: Helicobacter pylori infection and extradigestive diseases. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 14; 1998, Suppl 1: S65 - S69 |
23. Giordano N., Figura N., Senesi M., Battisti E., Palumbo F., Nardi P., Gennari C.: Helicobacter pylori infection and primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a possible association and new therapeutic approach. Cur Ther Res 56; 1995: 1265 - 1269 |
24. Jurgoš Ľ., Bureš J.: Nemoci žalúdku, dvanáctníku a Helicobacter pylori. Martin: Osveta, 1998; 148 |
25. Helicobacter pylori. An Atlas.: Malfertheiner P., Michetti P., Price A., eds. London: Science Press, 1996 |
26. Helicobacter pylori: Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Cure. RH Hunt, GNJ Tytgat, eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad Publ, 1994 |
27. Chiba S., Sugiyama T., Matsumoto H., Hisano K., Awakawa T., Hiura K., Saitoh M., Imai K.: Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid obtained from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Neurol 44; 1998: 686 - 688 |
28. Kimura A., Matsubasa T., Kinoshita H., Kuriya A., Yamashita Y., Fujisawa T., Terakura H., Shinohara M.: Helicobacter pylori positivity in patients with severe neurologic impairment. Brain Develop 21; 1999: 113 - 117 |
29. Kirchner T., Faller G., Price A.: Pathology and autoimmunity. Curr Opin Gastroent 14; 1998, Suppl 1: S35 - S39 |
30. Machet L., Vaillant L., Machet M. C., Buchler M., Lorette G.: Schonlein-Henoch purpura associated with gastric Helicobacter pylori infection. Dermatology 194; 1997: 86 |
31. Mégraud F.: Epidemiology and mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology 115; 1998: 1278 - 1282 |
32. Oldenburg B., Diepersloot R. J. A., Hoekstra J. B. L.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in diabetes mellitus patients. Dig Dis Sci 41; 1996: |
458 - 461 |
33. Patel P., Gasbarrini G., Pretolani S., Gasbarrini A., Franceschi F.: Extradigestive diseases and Helicobacter pylori infection. Cur Opin Gastroent 13; 1997, Suppl 1: 52 - 55 |
34. Pattison C. P., Marshall B. J.: Proposed link between Helicobacter pylori and sudden infant death syndrome. Med Hypotheses 49; 1997: 365 - 369 |
35. Rejchrt S., Bureš J.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori a extraintestinální choroby. Čes Slov Gastroent, v tisku |
36. Robertson M. S., Cade J. F., Clancy R. L.: Helicobacter pylori infection in intensive care: increased prevalence and a new nosocomial infection. Crit Care Med 27; 1999. 1276 - 1280 |
37. Rokkas T., Wotherspoon A.: Carcinogenesis. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S23 - S28 |
38. Rudnicka W., Andersen L. P.: Inflammation and host response. Curr Opin Gastroent 15; 1999, Suppl 1: S17 - S21 |
39. Sedláčková M. et al.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori. Vředová choroba, karcinom žaludku, dyspepsie. Praha: Maxdorf Jesenius, 1996 |
40. Sedláčková M.: Infekce Helicobacter pylori. In: Trendy soudobé pediatrie. Svazek 1. Gastroenterologie. Pozler O., ed. Praha: Galén, 1999, 217 - 237 |
41. Simanowski U. A., Egerer G., Oneta C., Keil T., Parés X., Conradt C., Arce L., Waldherr R., Stickel F., Russell R. M., Aderjan R., Klee F., Seitz H. K.: Helicobacter pylori infection decreases gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity and first-pass metabolism of ethanol in man. Digestion 59; 1998: 314 - 320 |
42. Siringo S., Vaira D., Menegatti M., Piscaglia F., Sofia S., Gaetani M.: High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in liver cirrhosis. Relationship with clinical and endoscopic features and the risk of peptic ulcer. Dig Dis Sci 42; 1997: 2024 - 2030 |
43. Suerbaum S., Hur C., Josenhans C., Michetti P.: Pathogenesis and virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori. Cur Opin Gastroenterol 15; 1999: Suppl 1: S11 - S16 |
44. Tebbe B., Geilen C. C., Schulzke J. D., Bojarski C., Radenhausen M., Orfanos C. E.: Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic urticaria. J Amer Acad Dermatol 34; 1996: 685 - 686 |
45. Telford J. L., Covacci A., Rappuoli R., Ghiara P.: Immunology of Helicobacter pylori infection. Cur Opin Immunol 9; 1997: 498 - 503 |
46. Tsang K. W., Lam S. K., Lam W. K., Karlberg J., Wong B. C., Hu W. H., Yew W. W., Ip M. S.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in active bronchiectasis. Amer J Respir Crit Care Med 158; 1998: 1047 - 1051 |
47. Valsecchi R., Pigatto P.: Chronic urticaria and Helicobacter pylori. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 78; 1998: 440 - 442 |
48. Wedi B., Wagner S., Werfel T., Mann S., Kapp A.: Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis in chronic urticaria. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 116; 1998: |
49. Whincup P. H., Mendall M. A., Perry I. J., Strachan D. P., Walker M.: Prospective relations between Helicobacter pylori infection, coronary heart disease and stroke in middle age men. Heart 75; 1996: 568 - 572 |
50. Yazawa A., Fujimoto M., Kikuchi K., Kubo M., Ihn H., Sato S., Tamaki T., Tamaki K.: High seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with systemic sclerosis: association with esophageal involvement. J Rheumatol 25; 1998: 650 - 653 |
51. Zentilin P., Savarino V., Garnero A., Accardo S., Seriolo B.: Is Helic- |
bacter pylori infection a risk factor for disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis ? Gastroenterology 116; 1999: 503 - 504 |
52. Živný P., Černý V., Bureš J., Palička V., Konštacký M.: Helicobacter pylori infection and cytokine pattern in critically ill patients. Digestion 59; 1998, Suppl 3: 440 |
53. Živný P., Černý V., Bureš J., Živná H., Palička V., Plíšková L.: Význam chronické infekce Helicobacter pylori u kriticky nemocných. Klin Biochem Metab 7(28); 1999: 31 - 34 |
54. Živný P., Černý V., Živná H., Bureš J., Palička V.: Vliv chronické infekce Helicobacter pylori na dynamiku C-reaktivního proteinu u kriticky nemocných. Čes Slov Gastroent 52; 1998: A42 - A43 |
55. Živný P., Černý V., Živná H., Palička V., Bureš J.: Is chronic Helicobacter pylori infection a risk factor for critically ill patients on total parenteral nutrition. Nutrition 14; 1998: 96 |
56. Živný P., Konštacký M., Bureš J., Černý V., Živná H., Palička V.: Is chronic Helicobacter pylori infection risk factor for critical care patients fed by parenteral nutrition? Gastroenterology International 11; 1998: 135 |