Tabulka 58

4. 5. 2000 0:00
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Autor: Redakce
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7th International 2.-5.5.2000 Montreal / Bone, Brain, Breast, Dr.K.Unni, Mayo Clinic,
Surgical Pathology Kanada Genitourinary, Dr.J.Myers 200 First Street SW,
Symposium Gynecological, Rochester MN 55905,
Head and Neck, Tel.: +1/507/2842509,
Lung, Soft Tissue Fax: -/2840532,
10.Internationaler 5.-7.5.2000 Celle / Eigenverantwortung förderne Dr.G.Irmey, Gesellschaft für
Kongreß der Deutschland Maßnahmen, Kreative Therapien Prof.Dr.K.-F.Klippel,
Gesellschaft für zur Bewältigung von Prof.Dr.J.Beuth Krebsabwehr, PF 102549,
Biologische Krebserkrankungen, Bewegung D-69015 Heidelberg,
Krebsabwehr und Sport in der Krebsnachsorge, Tel.: +49/6221/138020,
Heilung und Selbstheilung bei Fax: -/1380220
begründete Komplementäronkologie,
Hyperthermie, Tumorvakzination,
Aktiv-spezifische Immuntherapie,
Mikrobiologische Therapie,
Fachfortbildung: Komplementäre
Conference: Toward 6.-12.5.2000 San Francisco / This conference and exhibition Medical Records Institute,
an Electronic Patient USA / CA is aimed at teaching healthcare 567 Walnut Street,
Record - TEPR professionals from around the world USA-Newton, MA 02460,
the latest on electronic health records Tel.: +1/617/9643923,
Fax: -/9643926,
9th World Congress 11.-14.5.2000 Wien / Österreich Neurophysiology research, Prof.Dr.H.Nissel Österr.Ges.f.Akupunktur &
on Scientific Degenative diseases, Geriatrics, Aurikulotherapie,
Acupuncture and Cardiovascular treatments, Kaiserin Elisabeth-Spital,
Related Techniques Stroke rehabillitation, Addictions, Hugelgasse 1-3, A-1150 ,
Wien Lasertherapy and research Tel.: +43/1/981045758,
Fax: -/981045759,
2nd International 14.-17.5.2000 Washington Int.Congress on Heart Disease,
Congress on Heart Disease - / USA / DC PO Box 17659, USA
New Trends in Research, Beverly Hills CA,
- Diagnosis and Treatment
Fax: +1/310/2758922
4th International 17.-20.5.2000 Lausanne Ernährungsaspekte i.d.Epidemiologie, P.Burckhardt, Fr.M.Rueger, CHUV
Symposium on / Schweiz Pathogenese, Prävention Schweiz; Service MIA-BH10,
Nutritional Aspects u.Therapie d.Osteoporose, R.P.Heaney, 1011 Lausanne,CH-
of Osteoporosis v.Wachstumsalter bis i.d.Geriatrie, B.Dawson Tel.: +41/21/3140870,
Vitam D, Calcium, Protein -Hughes, USA Fax: -/3140871
10th European Congress 28.-31.5.2000 Stockholm AIDS and HIV-infections, S.Ragnar Norrby Congress Secretariat,
of Clinical Microbiology / Schweden Animal models, Clinical trials Stockholm Convention and Infectious Diseases
of antimicrobials, Diagnostic Bureau,
methods, Emerging infections, PO Box 6911, SE-10239
Epidemiology of infectious diseases,
Infections in the immunocompromised Tel.: +46/8/7361500,
host, In vitro activity of antimicrobials, Fax: -/348441,
Nosocomial infections, Pathogenesis
of infectious diseases, Pharmacoeconomics,
Pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics, Vaccines
3rd International 2.-3.6.2000 Dresden Immunotherapy by monoclonal Prof.Dr.H.D.Saeger Tel.: 0351/4583341,
Dresden Symposium / Deutschland antibodies, Cytokines, Vaccines, Dr.D.Ockert,
Fax: -/4584317,
in Immunotherapy Genetherapy,
of Cancer Adoptive Immunotherapy
10th Meeting of the 18.-22.6.2000 Jerusalem Peripheral neuropathy, Epilepsy, Prof.Oded Kenes Head Office, Industry
European Neurological / Israel Movement disorders, Behavioural Abramsky, House, 29 Hamered St.,
Society - ENS 2000 neurology, Clinical neurophysiology, PO Box 50006,
Muscle disease, Neuro-imaging,
IL-Tel Aviv 61500,
Infection of the nervous system, Tel.: +972/3/5140014,
Cerebrovascular disorders, Child Fax: -/5175674, 5140077,
neurology, Multiple Sclerosis,
Extrapyramidal disorders
Annual European 21.-24.6.2000 Nizza Rheumatology Prof.Dr. EULAR Secretariat,
Congress of / Frankreich F.C.Breedveld Witikonerstr.15, CH-8032
Rheumatology Zürich,
Tel.: +41/1/3839690,
Fax: -/3939810,
5th International 25.-28.6.2000 Paris Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Dr.Chr.Chatelain, Hopital de
Consultation on BPH / Frankreich Basic Science, Diagnosis, La Pitié, Clinique Urologique,
Workshop on BPH treatment and research 85 boulevard de l’Hopital,
F-75634 Paris Cedex 13,
Tel.: +33/1/42177120,
Fax: -/42177122,
42nd Annual World 25.-30.6.2000 San Diego Endothelial Problems, , Prof.Dr.J.B.Chang Prof.Dr.J.B.Chang, FICA, FACS,
Congress of the / USA / CA Aortic Aneurysms 1050 Northern Blvd., USA-Roslyn
International College Occlusive Artery Disease, Evaluation & of Angiology NY 11576,
Treatment of Small Superficial Leg Veins,
Tel.: +1/516/4843430,
Recent Progress in Vascular Research, Fax: -/4843482,
Current Status of Peripheral
Vascular Disease
Diagnosis & Treatment, Benefits of Wine
and its Impact on Cardiovascular Health,
Viagra and its Effect on the Vascular
and Cardiac System
CARS - 14th International 28.6.-1.7.2000 San Francisco Digital Imaging, Image Processing and Display, Prof.Dr.H.U.Lemke F.Schweikert, Congress Computer
/ USA / CA Office, CAR Conference
Assisted Medical Workstations, Computer Assisted Diagnosis, Im Gut 11, D-79790 Küssaberg,
Radiology & Surgery PACS, IMAC, Teleradiology, Telemedicine, Tel.: 07742/91410,
Expert Systems and Computer Assisted Education, Fax: -/4391,
Image Guided Therapy, Image Guided Surgery,
Surgical Robotics, Image Guided Radiation Therapy,
Virtual Reality and 3-D Video Communication,
Computed Maxillofacial Imaging,
Organization of Health Care Infrastructure
8th International VII.2000 Marburg Neuroprotection Prof.Dr.Dr. Instit ut f.Pharmakologie &
Symposium on / Deutschland J.Krieglstein
Toxikologie, Universität,
Pharmacology of Ketzerbach 63, D-
Cerebral Ischemia 35032 Marburg,
Tel.: 06421/281311,
Fax: -/288918,
5th International 29.7.-2.8.2000 San Francisco Evolution of Elective Neck Dissection, Dr.J.T.Johnson American Society
Conference on Head / USA / CA Molecular Diagnosis and Gene Therapy, for Head and Neck
and Neck Cancer Head and Neck Reconstruction, Surgery, Mr.R.L.Wagner,
Tumor Biology, Management of Early Tel.: +1/412/2435156,
Laryngeal Cancer, Progress in Laryngeal Fax: -/2435160,
Surgery, Immunobiology and Vaccinations,
Cancer of the Nasopharynx, Pediatric
Tumors, Nuances in Skull Base Surgery,
Strategies in the Management of Recurrent
and Inoperable Cancer, Oral Cavity,
Outcome Research in Head & Neck Cancer
22nd Congress of 26.-30.8.2000 Amsterdam Debates, Hot Line Sessions, ECOR, The Europ.Heart House,
the European Society / Niederlande How-to Sessions, Satellite Symposium, 2035, Route des Colles - Les
of Cardiology Oral and Poster Abstract Presentations Templiers, BP 179,
Featured Research sessions, F-06903 Sophia Antipolis
Invited Lectures, Nursing Programme,
Focus sessions Tel.: +33/4/92947600,
Fax: -/92947601,
25th International 27.-31.8.2000 Den Haag Hearing Aid Technology, Dr.J.Verschuure Dr.G.A.van Zanten, Sophia
Congress of Audiology / Niederlande Molecular Biology and Hearing
Childrens Hospital,
Rotterdam, Impairment, Paediatric Audiology PO Box 2060, NL-3000 CB
and management of infants

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